This past weekend was a delight as we caught some new sky and had our first setup since being out for the babes!

It was Skydive Spaceland Dallas’s Revolution boogie; a huge skydiver party to celebrate America’s independence. The drop zone hosts specialty aircraft, vendors, and unique activities for jumpers to do in between loads. This year they had a helicopter (that Donovan got to sit in), a trapeze rig (that Donovan got to jump on), and of course Captured Sky as a vendor (that Donovan got to sleep next to )!

It was really exciting being back at the DZ and sharing our art! We’d been around only sparingly as we were expecting Donovan and Elliana so this was a treat to be such a big part of the action again. Spaceland was a wonderful host giving us free reign on where we would like to set up for the festivities. Frank and my Dad went the day before to set up our tent and the following morning I set out all our pieces of sky.

It was a lovely setup which made it easy to showcase so much of our work….but the weather wasn’t having it. First, the winds started picking up and putting a lot of tension on our grid wall. Paintings kept getting airlifted to the floor and the wall was begining to shutter and bow inwards. It got to the point where I was having to stand next to the wall and support it with a hand as the wind would gust. As the winds continued to blow the clouds mounted in the sky and started to take on a more sinister look…rain!

Frantically we packed up what we could, moved our display racks and table, and buckled down for the storm. The rain meant all the skydivers were on the ground so we made the most of the time mingling and showing off the pieces we still had out. The manager had allowed us to relocate inside to the check-in area so we were still able to share some of our pieces of sky. Of course, I had good help for man-ing the booth!

The next day the weather was better and since we had grandparental reinforcements we went to catch some sky! Folks were going crazy! There were a lot of new faces visiting to the DZ that had never seen or heard about what we do. “What!? You’re going to jump with that!?” Or “are you really going to paint up there!?” “Is that even possible?!” Yes, yes, and more YES! It was really exciting seeing everyone get so pumped up about what we are doing! A bunch of folks wanted to take our (well mostly my – sorry Frank) picture. It was really cool.

The jump was exhilarating! Nice brisk winds, saphire blue cloudy sky; it really couldn’t have been more perfect! It was also incredibly special to be jumping in front of our littles who were watching from the sidelines with Grandma and Grandpa We felt like such superstars!

After the jump people were really amped up and we sent a lot of sky home.

We also caught two new beautiful pieces. They both look very different and unique despite having been crafted on the same jump.

It was such a joy to be back in the wind and back to sharing the creations she helps us craft. Overall, the boogie was a wonderful success! We were invigorated by the experience and are looking forward to doing more in the upcoming season!